You Are Not Alone In Your Struggle

Posted By on October 24, 2023

You Are Not Alone In Your Struggle

“………and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.” Matthew 28:20, NKJV.

Did someone say it would be easy to follow Christ and practice His principles on a daily basis? If they did, I’m not sure they knew what they were talking about.

Jesus, Himself, said it would be a sacrifice. Paul, the Apostle, said it would be a sacrifice. Jesus said one would have to forsake “all” to follow Him.

Foolishly, someone said one time,” Christians are sissies.” When that person said that, they were not a Christian and did not know what they were talking about. Committed Christians are anything but sissies. Jesus was not a sissy. Jesus may have been meek but He was never weak!

We are sure to discover that the Christian life is not easy. Jesus never said it would be. He did, however, say that He would be with us every moment as we tried to follow His will and His principles.

Our scripture for today reminds us of that promise made to us by Christ, “I am with you always, even to the end of the age”.

So today, when your Christian path becomes rough and you find staying on the path is difficult, remember that you are not on the path alone. Jesus, Himself, is walking beside you to hold you steady and to keep your feet on a firm foundation. He understands the difficult path you are on and will never leave you there alone.

Riley Pippen