Sin Is Up, Church is Down

Posted By on August 11, 2022

Sin Is Up, Church is Down

“Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD….” Psalm 33:12, NKJV

In a recent Pew Research Center poll, it was discovered that 31% of Americans are unaffiliated with any church or religion.

It was also discovered that those Americans who do consider themselves to be affiliated with a church or religion has gone down from 61% to 47% since 2012.

It is estimated that since 2012, 7.5 million people have their left their church/religion.

The church is in decline and the decline of the church is affecting the social ills of this land. Hatred is up, murder is up; you name a sin and it’s up.

Our scripture for today may give us a hint as to our deliverance from the current madness that is marching through this land.

It tells us that a nation will be blessed by God when that nation makes and exalts God as the Lord over themselves and over their nation.

Apart from the deliverance by God Himself, my friend we have crossed the point of no return. No political party or financial miracle will ever unite this nation quite like the God of the Bible can.

Morality cannot be legislated from Washington. Integrity cannot be applied to someone to make their sin look heroic.

Sodom and Gomorrah had become a stench in the nostrils of God and He destroyed the city. I pray our nation will turn back to God before God turns His back on our nation.

Be encouraged to day in knowing that God loves you and He loves our nation and He loves the world; sinners and all. I believe His love is greater than any sin that the people of this nation or the people of the world are caught up in. He is seeking to forgive and save.

Riley Pippen