Be Humble This Thanksgiving

Posted By on November 23, 2023

Be Humble This Thanksgiving

“A man’s pride will bring him low, but the humble in spirit will retain honor.” Proverbs 29:23, NKJV.

The first essential of Giving Thanks to the Lord is Humility. It is impossible for you and me to properly give thanks to the creator of this universe without a deep sense of humility.

Giving Thanks to the creator and God of this universe involves much more than just a “Thank You” or a quick prayer before one’s Thanksgiving meal.

The words in Proverbs 29:23, seems to be telling us that any thankfulness from a person filled with pride will fall on deaf ears. On the other hand, those who give their thanks to God with humility will both be honored and bring honor to the God they want to thank.

As we bring our “Thanks Giving” words to the Lord, this year, let those words be formed out of a deep sense of real humility. Let our humility be the kind of humility that always reminds us that we are nothing and have nothing without God.

Riley Pippen