Come, and Get Some Rest

Posted By on September 10, 2023

Come and Get Some Rest

“Come to Me,.……… and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28, NKJV

Life, full of its deadlines, decisions, dilemmas, disappointments and discouragements can wear you down and can wear you out.

Do the words peace and rest seem like words that you never experience anymore? There’s always a decision to make; there’s always a dilemma to work out; there’s always a deadline to meet; does that sound like you and your life?

Our scripture for today contain the words of Jesus. They are meant to encourage us in our life that can be very discouraging with all its challenges.

They are simple words but they are powerful words that give us great advice when we come to the end of all our efforts to fix our life and we have grown weary from the constant struggle that we find ourselves in.

How simple the advice is; “come to me”. Why do we make it so difficult? Usually because we rather do it ourselves and usually because we think God takes too long and it might not be the answer we wanted.

Notice in the verse that He does not say that He will fix the problem, but only that He will give us rest from the problem.

Until God works the situation out according to His will; what we need the most is rest from the intense emotional strain that these situations can put on our minds, our spirit, and our strength.

Be encouraged today in knowing that rest and peace in the midst of your stressful situations can be found in the Lord.

Remember His words; “Come to me, and I will give you rest”.

With Blessings,

Riley Pippen