Why Do We Worry So?

Posted By on November 29, 2021

Why Do We Worry So?

“Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?” Matthew 6:26, NKJV

What are we worried about today? Is your list long as you think about that question?

How do we deal with anxiety and worry when they come rushing into our mind?

Our scripture for today gives us a hint as to how to deal with worry when it takes over our mind.

The answer is to lean on what you already know about God and not what you already know about the situation you are worried about.

The fact is; God is sovereign. He created everything and has absolute control over every aspect of His creation. He is all-powerful, all-knowing, and ever present.

He knows absolutely everything about your situation. He knows how to produce wholeness out of brokenness. He knows how to build strength out of weakness. He knows how to heal what is sick.

Our scripture for today reminds us how important we are to God and how He will take care of us in every need we have. The verse reminds us to remember how God takes care of the birds in the air.

If He takes care of them; how much more will He meet every need that we, His children have?

Be encouraged today! God knows everything about you. Nothing is impossible for God.

Riley Pippen